The Mighty Queens of Freeville...
Mother’s Day is Sunday and the shop will be closed so that we can all spend time with our families. Enjoy the day!
If you’re one of those people who wait until the last minute to pick up a gift for the mom(s) in your life, I have an idea for you. Quick—go to the closest bookstore and get a copy of my friend Amy Dickinson’s book The Mighty Queens of Freeville—just out in paperback!
Amy writes the Ask Amy advice column for the Chicago Tribune and is a frequent guest on NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. Her motto in life is “I make the mistakes so you don’t have to.”
This book is a memoir that women can really relate to. Its Amy’s personal journey through marriage, motherhood, divorce, single motherhood, bad dates, bad jobs and the trials and tribulations associated with overcoming her self described “dorkitude.” Throughout it all, Amy is supported by the network of women in her life—the mighty queens of Freeville New York—a greek chorus of family and friends who offer up plenty of free advice, wit, wisdom and the occasional casserole.
When life goes to pieces some of us sew it back together into patchwork. My friend Amy writes it out into stories that are funny, touching and hopeful all rolled into one. In fact you might want to buy an extra copy for yourself!
(I mean it—go buy this book for your mom. You don’t want to be one of those people standing in the check out line at Dominick’s on Sunday morning with an overpriced bouquet of wimpy wilted flowers, do you?)
Check out Amy online at
See you soon…ccc
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