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Modern Thinking...

Every quilt has a story to tell—and Mary Ann’s Modern Thinking is no exception.

Would you believe that this blazing beauty once started out as a pile of beige fabrics? Oh sure, there were some other colors thrown in there—like taupe, ivory and tan—but basically we’re talking a whole lot of BORING! Even Mary Ann would concede this point. But that’s just the point—she took Amy Walsh’s class because she wanted to learn how to work with color. Enter Amy. Now I’m not exactly sure what happened here because I was busy upfront cutting fabric, but by the time Amy was done “adding” in a few colors, Mary Ann had a dazzling new color palette for her quilt.

Here’s the thing with color—you’ve got to go for it—just jump in the deep end. And then step back. Put it up on the design wall, move some stuff around, maybe add an element to unify it, like Mary Ann did with the center bars, and make it happen.

Modern Thinking -- a Blue Underground Studio pattern

Pieced by Mary Ann Manley with a little help from her friends at Quiltology.

Perfect, isn’t it?

Posted on Friday, September 5, 2008 at 01:05AM by Registered CommenterQuiltology | CommentsPost a Comment

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